大約一年前,我家菲傭經常愁眉苦臉。原因是她兒子Jhimuel John患的哮喘變得越來越嚴重,經常發作,半夜要送醫院吸氧氣 ,平常睡覺不能躺下,十分辛苦,每天服類固醇,吸氧氣,平日只能逗留在冷氣房內,體育課也不能上。我諮詢Dr. Lily,她說兒子最主要是平常的飲食出了問題,要他改飲食習慣,故Dr. Lily給了一個月份重的補充劑。
After a month more, Jhimuel John Kang is recovering, he can now participate in exercise lessons, and also able to lay down to sleep, and is no need for any steroids, we are very grateful Dr. Lily to pull him out of suffering.
緩解氣喘 - Jhimuel John