
  • Live blood analysis
  • Iridology Analysis


In 21st century, there has been appealed to the world to go green, promoting health and conservation to integrate into our daily lives, which will help reduce carbon emissions, allows you to have a strong and energetic body, to handle our daily work with ease. As well as enjoying lives with family.

CYTO-DETEC biofeedback system helps in caring your family by detecting health problem hidden, through reading the current condition of the body, this will give you a better picture of the body, in which allow you to take necessary precaution.

CYTO - DETEC is the high technology in health analysis of the Nature Medicine in Europe, it can analysis deep into various organs, can accurately detect bacteria, parasites and viruses and other problems, help to prevent degenerative diseases, cancer, stroke, or inflammation. (It is a safe and non-invasive way of


  1. Risk Profile
  2. Sarcode (Emotion)
  3. Spinal
  4. Degeneration
  5. Geopathic Stress
  6.  Homotoxicology
  7.  Allersode
  8. Endocrine
  9. Nutrition Profile
  10. Aging

Live blood analysis

Live blood analysis, use only a drop of live blood sample, then through an optical microscope at 400X magnification and view in the monitor screen. Using your own eyes, you can have a better understanding of your blood condition, and your health. Since there is no coloring agent, bacteria, fats and other crystalline present in the blood have nowhere to hide, through this blood analysis you will have more reference on your health condition.

Iridology Analysis

Human can hide one’s identity through disguise, in order to revive one’s identity we can only rely on sophisticated technology. Every person has unique iris, this can be used as personal identity.

The colored part of our eye are called “Iris”, its hidden mysteries is like password, for it can be interpreted to obtain the health condition of the body. The iris is the body's most complex structure, its thin but dense nerve endings extend to the brain. The most amazing part of the iris is, it is interrelated with the various organs and tissues of the body, in different regions of the iris reflect different part of the body organ’s condition. When health is imbalance, the color, texture, potholes will be shown in the respective part of the iris, which reflects the seriousness and the condition of the organ. Iridology analysis can help you have a better understanding of your current state of health.

Iridology was accidently discovered by Ignatz Von Peczely, a doctor in Hungary. When he was 10 years old, while he was feeding his pet owl, he accidently broke one of its leg; Later, he found a black “crack” appeared at the one of its eye’s bottom half iris. With the owl’s leg recovered, the black crack turned into black spot encircled with white line. This incident left him a very great impression, and later when he graduated as a doctor, he was given a post in a surgical ward of the hospital. It gave him a good opportunity to observe patients iris before and after surgery and record these changes, which eventually give rise to the Iridology. Since then, Iridology analysis has been constantly revised. Today, Iridology analysis has been widely used by natural medicine practitioners all over the world, to help in preventing disease.

Your Health First 
