博士智庫「科創中國.科創新經濟」 博士智庫「科創中國.科創新經濟」 第三屆創科香港論壇 日期:2024年11月7-9日(星期四至六) 上午10:00至下午5:00 地點:大埔科學園會展中心3期12W一樓大展覽廳 論壇現場及直播(請先登記) 語言:粵語或普通話 論壇主旨 推動中港澳及東盟科技創新與合作, 搭建政、商、產、學、研及國際的交流橋樑 三天論壇聚焦議題人才, 創新,生物科技,大健康,金融,教育培訓....
Greater Bay Area Legacy Honor Medal Award Ceremony The inaugural "Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development" Gold Award, the first "Charter for Carbon Neutrality and Sustainable Development Goals," and the inaugural "Greater Bay Area Legacy Honor ...
Relief from Chemotherapy Side Effects I am a woman in my 50s. In September 2015, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. At that time, I was really scared and told my family and some friends. They were very concerned about my condition and wa...
Ease asthma About a year ago, my family maid often frown. The reason is that her son Jhimuel John, is suffering from asthma and is becoming more and more serious, and often has asthma attack at night and has to b...
Prevent the nerves from necrosis which caused by ischemia! Dad has been worried about his cerebral aneurysms which can cause stroke, and that day has finally arrived. The situation is very serious, the stroke occurs in the left brain, therefore impacting on t...
Diabetes Aged 88,suffering fromdiabetesfor over 20 years. His condition was followed by the doctor in government hospitals and was on medication. His doctor kept warning him that his kidney function was poor a...
Celluitis Aged 88, suffers from Celluitis for many years, and outbreak once a year. His family doctor has been following his case, and will prescribe steroids during outbreak. However, there were two years in w...
Virus Infection My daughter had ulceration under her eyes, medical doctor said it was caused by virus infection. I went to get Dr. Lily advice, she told me about what kind of food should avoid to give my daughter to ...
Health Issues After birth of my kids, for years I have been struggling with health issues e.g. weight and fatique. Since following Dr. Lily’s recommendations and taking specific nutritional and herbal supplements a...
Dementia Aged 83. Early this year, she was diagnosed to have dementia (first phase), and found that she lost reaction to all things and was unable to remember the route back to home. This worried her family. I...
Hepatitis B Before 2012, I always feel there is no health issue in my body. However, an occasion body check, found myself to be a hepatitis B carrier, since then I pay more attention to my health. So I will do a ...