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Cognitive Impairment Irreversible? (Part 2)

July 7, 2024 by
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Treatment of Cognitive Impairment: Grandma Leung's Progress

In the last issue, I mentioned the treatment for Grandma Leung, who had cognitive impairment. Over time, her physical and mental condition has continuously improved.

Reversal Case Study: Grandma Leung, 92

Grandma Leung, who had cognitive impairment, suffered from subdural hydrocephalus due to a fall. I recommended she begin by taking DPPH and EFA, which are active antioxidants that can enhance liver function, along with stopping the consumption of congee and noodle foods. After 30 days, when she returned to the hospital for a check-up with her primary doctor, it was found that her hydrocephalus no longer required surgery, much to her family's relief. As for her cognitive impairment, I advised evaluating her progress with brain scans every two months.

Causes of Cognitive Impairment

Examining Grandma Leung's past diet, her breakfast consisted of high-calcium milk and bread, lunch and dinner included rice noodles or white rice with vegetables, fish, chicken or pork, cooked with peanut oil. For afternoon tea, she would have oranges, biscuits, peanuts, or bread. Her diet seemed light, so why was she diagnosed with cognitive impairment in 2012 and an enlarged heart and gout in 2013? The recent fainting episode was caused by heart ischemia, with blood tests revealing high levels of troponin-1 (cardiac muscle protein) and a CT scan showing lacunar infarction (a type of stroke).

These symptoms were not incidental. Lacunar infarction is a cerebrovascular disease caused by small artery sclerosis and hypertension. Elevated troponin levels indicate inflammation of the heart muscle. These conditions are common among middle-aged and elderly people and can often go unnoticed.

The World Health Organization has warned that a diet high in sugar, fat, saturated fat, greasy foods, and alcohol can lead to many chronic degenerative diseases. 

Grandma's diet was high in sugar and fat. Saturated and trans fats contain the chemical arachidonic acid, which can transform into substances like lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase (COX), and 5-lipoxygenase, the primary sources of inflammation. These can raise blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels and transform into various inflammatory factors like prostaglandins, tumor necrosis factors, leukotrienes, and histamines. These factors travel through the bloodstream to different tissues and organs, causing various conditions.

Grandma used to need support and spoke in short sentences. After six months of treatment, she can now respond fluently, walk on her own, and looks younger. (Photo provided by Dr. Lily)

After a detailed examination and treatment, including stopping high-sugar and high-fat foods, six months later, Grandma Leung underwent significant changes. She, who once needed support and spoke in short sentences, began engaging in conversations, walking, and looking visibly younger.

Addressing diseases holistically, it is crucial to consider the overall body condition. Poor liver function leads to numerous inflammations since the liver's cytochrome P450 enzymes are involved in catalysis and oxidation of organic compounds, including lipid and steroid hormone metabolism. These enzymes also play a major role in drug metabolism and biological activation processes, accounting for about 75% of various metabolic reactions. The medications she initially took aimed to control cognitive impairment but failed to address her liver function. The high-sugar, high-fat diet increased blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels, damaging blood vessel walls and affecting the blood-brain barrier. When cholesterol leaks into the brain, it impacts neurons, with lipid invasion causing the degeneration of axonal myelin sheaths that protect the central nervous system, leading to cognitive impairment. Similarly, her heart enlargement and gout were due to high blood lipid levels causing inflammatory responses.

Consequently, I recommended Grandma Leung continue taking active antioxidants DPPH and EFA, proven through several university tests to regulate cytochrome P450 enzymes and eliminate inflammation factors like leukotrienes, prostaglandins, IL, TNF, interferons, and caspase-3. Two months later, she made a remarkable recovery. Her cognitive impairment saw a significant breakthrough; she could speak and interact proactively, move freely at home, and even visit me. This marks an extraordinary advancement in treating cognitive impairment.

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